Tag: leopard geckos
Best Cheap Vivariums for Leopard Geckos

The cost of setting up a new home for your leopard gecko can quickly add up. Not only will you need to make sure you choose the right leopard gecko vivarium, you’ll also need to shell out for heating, lighting, food and other essentials. So to help you minimise your costs, we’ve rounded up ...


How Big Do Leopard Geckos Grow?

How Big Do Leopard Geckos Grow?

Calling all prospective leopard gecko owners! Before you buy a leopard gecko vivarium, make sure you know how big your leopard gecko is expected to grow. Why? Living in the right size tank is essential for a leopard geckos health and wellbeing. And if you buy the wrong size, you’ll only need to ...

Can Two Leopard Geckos Be Kept Together?

If you own two leopard geckos, or you’re thinking about getting another one, housing them in the same tank may seem like a good idea. However, you should be cautious. Two leopard geckos shouldn’t always be kept together and you should be particularly careful about mixing genders. Read on to find ...

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kits

If you’ve never owned a leopard gecko before, there can be a lot to get to grips with - particularly in regards to setting up your pet’s new home. There’s heating, lighting and substrate to think about, not to mention choosing the right tank. So if you’re a first-time reptile owner, we’d ...


Top 5 Best Pet Lizards for Beginners

Top 5 Best Pet Lizards for Beginners

They’re becoming more and more popular as pets - but what are the best lizards for beginners? If you’ve never owned one before, choosing the right lizard for you can be a difficult task. There are around 5,000 species of lizard in the world and even though a portion of those are available as ...